Embarrassment & Bedwetting

by Prav

How parents could help in saving their child from the embarrassment of bedwetting

If not given the proper attention, enuretic children may suffer psychological and social imbalance in their childhood. Nocturnal enuresis not only gives parents nigh worries but the child an abnormal life engulfed in shame and embarrassment.

Parents and all involved are thus encouraged to extend full support to the child in the period of going through nocturnal enuresis which is said to be usually outgrown by a child as early as age 3. In other cases where the child reaches age 6 or even later and has not yet developed bladder control, parents would frequently get disappointed leading to punishment of the child for an act that is actually done not on purpose.

Be supportive as you can be!

For parents and all involved not to worsen the child’s situation, patience is indeed a virtue! Here are techniques for you to regard as first steps so your child can cope with bedwetting and save them from further embarrassment:

  • Do not punish. Punishment to a child’s wrongdoing often leads to them being rebels who will deliberately do things to annoy the parents. This is more so when the child has not done anything wrong! Bedwetting is only normal among children and there are only a few cases that require treatment.
  • Keep track of the things that they do before bedtime every time they wake up dry. If possible keep a record so you can help the child repeat them the next time.
  • Learn some simple counseling techniques if your child is experiencing troubling or stressful events at home and at school. Children who are bereaved and bullied, for example, cause so much depression to a child that may be manifested at sleep resulting in bedwetting.
  • Explain to your child about things he or she should know about bedwetting and remind him or her that bedwetting is common and not something to be ashamed of.
  • Do not show signs of disappointment when bedwetting happens or no signs of improvement are seen. Be patient that your child may be late in this stage of his development.
  • Reassurance does help. Telling your child that he or she will soon cope with bedwetting is important. It will make him or her feel not fixated into wetting the bed and will be eager to practice activities that will prevent him or her form bedwetting.
  • Be prepared to appreciate when the child wakes up dry no matter how seldom the change happens. Feeling supported will make your child confident and boost his or her self-esteem. Your child will also try to exert effort on working out with his condition and deal with it the positive way.  
  • Protect your child’s bed from soaking wet when it happens. Place a waterproof mattress or have your child wear absorbent pants or nappies until signs of improvement are observed. Other measures such as purchasing a moisture detector device for your child will save you from the hassle of cleanup.
  • By helping your child cope with the situation and see his condition as a normal part of his growing up, embarrassment will not be an issue.

Help create a positive psycho-social impact  

Medical studies prove that the psychological impact of bedwetting to a child is more significant than its impact on the physical side. The reaction of family members to a child who wets his or her bed is important for a child to cope with this situation. Her are some ways how you can help:

  • A range of stressful events may confront a child who experiences bedwetting. This includes teasing by siblings, disappointment by parents, and bullying by classmates. It is then important that parents and all involved be educated about bedwetting to avoid embarrassment and low self-esteem among children who are undergoing the condition.
  • Enlist family members to help with the situation by guiding the child in doing his or her bedtime rituals to prevent bedwetting or even in cleanup showing to the child that his or her family is just an arm away if he or she needs support.
  • Help in the development of his or her social skills despite the bedwetting episodes such as in joining the child in school activities like campouts.
  • Have another family member accompany the child in school to give him or her moral support and confidence especially when the child is afraid that friends may know about his or her condition. In the first hand, ensure that none of your child’s classmates will know about him or her bedwetting and that the family is extending all out support. Accompanying the child in school maybe done until he or she has outgrown the condition or until bedwetting is no longer an issue.